law & Justice Network
YPF Law and Justice Network aims to create a common platform bringing professionals, academicians, scholars and students, where they can share their ideas with each other on pertinent issues regarding law and justice of home and abroad. The network consists of about 44 members who have keen interest in different fields of law. They have contributed by arranging webinars, making videos and infographics and are also carrying on some important ongoing projects. The network is currently working with one of the brilliant members of parliament, Shameem Haider Patwary in a research on the judiciary system of Bangladesh. This is to mention that, Mr. Shameem has even mentioned their research work in the national parliament. Moreover, the members of the network discuss various loopholes of the laws and write on them under the supervision of the mentor and other scholars.
Cyber Harassment by Zarin Fariha
Unforgettable Jurists- Salma Sobhan by Sanjana Hoque Mifta, Al Muqtadir Elahi Eshmam. Editor- Golam Mostafa Shuvo
Unforgettable Jurists- Habibur Rahman by Christopher Randolf, Ashfaqur Rahman Ashfaqur. Editor- Zarin Fariha
Unforgettable Jurists- Mahmudul Islam by Quazi Omar Faysal, Raihan Ferdous. Editor- Fahad Ahmed Evan
Unforgettable Jurists-Syed Shamsul Huda by Farhan Shahnaz, Rifat Rahman. Editor- Wahib Mohammad.
Unforgettable Jurists- Mohiuddin Farooque by Nazifa Muniyat Quader, Golam Mostafa Shuvo. Editor- Golam Mostafa Shuvo.