Youth Policy Forum has joined the International Blockchain Olympiad as an International Partner. In the first place, the Youth Policy Forum is searching for Campus Ambassadors who will undertake some responsibilities to make the Olympiad more fruitful.


  • Only Currents Students: Any current students may register as a Campus Ambassador
  • No age limits There is no age limit for participating in this event
  • Institutional Representation: An aspiring Campus Ambassador may be attached to an academic institution by being enrolled in it; a recognized institution is an accredited educational institution or an institution that may grant a degree or diploma.
  • Non-Bangladeshi Institution: Institutions must be out of Bangladesh (As this is for international round purpose)
  • Nationality: Citizens of any country

It is important to be noted that it is not mandatory for the Campus Ambassador to be a participant in the Olympiad. But if any campus ambassador is willing to participate, they will be welcomed. In that case, the eligibility criteria of team, projects, and themes are applicable.


  1. Taking initiatives to promote the International Blockchain Olympiad 2021 at their institutions.
  2. Collaborating the Olympiad committee with Blockchain labs/ clubs / programming clubs / Computer science department / information science department / informatics department / business department/ or relevant departments which offer blockchain courses. Searching for enthusiastic participants in their institutions.
  3. Volunteering for online programs/ webinars for International Blockchain Olympiad.
  4. Maintaining the communication with the International Blockchain Olympiad 2021 committee.
  5. Participating in meetings if it is required.
N.B: Blockchain Olympiad Bangladesh, International Blockchain Olympiad, and Youth Policy Forum may use the contact information to reach out the registered campus ambassadors in future other than for the purpose of this year’s Olympiad.



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